
Process Guides

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A Process Guide helps you perform certain project tasks in a recommended order and by keeping track if the tasks have been started or not. When a task has been completed, it can be verified (approved) by e.g. a supervisor. You can also leave comments on individual tasks in a notes field, making it easier to remember important information.


Lists the suggested tasks needed in order to complete a specific project type.

Jump to software
Click to jump directly into the software where you are supposted to perform the specific task.

Keeps track of individual tasks.

Not required
Select if the task is not required

Not started
Selected by default. Indicates that the task has not been started yet.

Select if the task has been started and is in progress.

Select when the task has been completed.

Verified by
When a task has been completed it can optionally be verified by e.g. a supervisor.

Make notes on specific tasks.

Click to watch a short movie clip describing the task.

Click the links to go directly to help sections related to the task.